That was rough I feel like I have been underground for the past few weeks. This working thing has totally thrown me for a loop. However I will say it has been so fun watching my husband scamper around when I get home trying to act like he has been busy all day. In my training class at work the first week it was totally and adjustment. Everyday they fired someone in my training group. Not to mention 30% of the people in my group were just released from some form of a correctional facility. I didn't think I was going to make it. I called home a few times to see if I could just come back home a start again tomorrow (no luck). I was sure that by day three we would be making shivs or tattooing each other with Indian ink and a needle (I speak from experience). With each day it got better (thank god). Now I am almost 4 weeks in, and I guess, I like it. I still have to make dinner :( apparently somethings never change, still have to make sure bills get paid. How ever house work is low on my list (to be honest, it kind of always has been, shh don't tell).
It's been kind of nice getting back in to the working world, I do miss my afternoon naps. On the whole it has been great for my family ( going back to work) less stress at home. Maybe we will take a vacation together at the end of summer. That's something we have not done for a few years. So I guess what I am saying is it's not too bad.
Little league is almost over hopefully I can make it through the season with out too much drama. I took these pictures last week and I just thought I would share them. I posted these mainly to remind me that this is what it's all about. Getting back into the game and learning how to play, relax and have fun and maybe you'll win a few, and if not at least you got to play with your friends :)